Harendra Kapur

On marketing myopia and metrics
Marketing myopia is a classic business challenge. But as content marketers, have we found a satisfactory answer to the big question it raises?
23. 08. 2016
B2B writing: It ain’t just writing
There’s a hell of a lot more to B2B writing than meets the eye.
20. 05. 2016
Hot takes from the 2016 Marketing Technology Landscape
Every year Scott Brinker’s marketing technology landscape supergraphic helps us understanding marketing a little better. Here’s what we thought of 2016’s.
22. 03. 2016
A (sort of) formula for B2B content
The difference between good B2B content and GREAT B2B content is invariably the structure behind it. Here’s how I think about structure in content…
08. 01. 2016
Why ‘customer centricity’ is a cursed message
I’m getting pretty sick of ‘customer centric’ – the latest buzzword to pollute and distract good marketers.
12. 06. 2015
The problem with positive
They probably taught you to keep your marketing positive. Here’s why positivity is actually a bad thing.
06. 02. 2015
There are two types of creatives. (There. I said it.)
It’s nice to think every creative’s different. But we usually fit into one of these two buckets.
18. 11. 2014
Keep it structured, stupid
Why a lack of structure is the ultimate killer of content quality (and other breaking news)
29. 09. 2014
Assuming the position
When content fails to make assumptions, it fails to divide an audience. Here’s why that’s bad.
17. 07. 2014
Only fools and prospects
Why just about everything in marketing compels you to treat your audience like they’re idiots.
27. 06. 2014