
16 ways to alienate a B2B buyer

Most B2B marketing doesn’t just fail – it actively repels the people it’s trying to attract. Here are 16 ways to alienate B2B buyers.

10. 11. 2009

The white paper is dead…or is it?

The role of the white paper in B2B marketing

16. 06. 2009

Why we steal from our clients.

Creativity doesn’t just come from the agency side.

06. 05. 2009

The Disruptive Idea: that’s what it’s all about

Cut through the mountains of marketing babble. Only one thing matters: the Disruptive Idea. Got one? It’s hard to fail. If you don’t, oh dear

24. 03. 2009

7 tips for writing number-based headlines

Velocity, the B2B Marketing Agency, helps you write the only kind of headlines people will read: headlines with numbers in them.

27. 02. 2009

New mobile marketing eBook for small businesses

Velocity, the B2B agency for technology companies, just announced the publication of a free eBook for small businesses that want to use the mobile Web.

18. 02. 2009

Who needs editors?

The death of the editor and how Google makes all B2B marketing agency people and B2B communications professionals have to think like editors.

05. 02. 2009

Drop-down positioning at the Royal Opera House

A very funny drop-down menu from a Royal Opera House web form. Just being considerate or clever, subliminal positioning?

15. 12. 2008

Opt-Out: Digital Marketing’s punch in the stomach

Opt-Out is the downside of digital marketing. Here are some ideas for dealing with it.

08. 12. 2008

Zappos’ culture: paying employees to leave is great marketing

Zappos, the online shoe retailer, takes a distinctive approach to company culture that delivers real marketing and brand benefits.

05. 12. 2008

Customer Value Propositions in B2B Markets

An excellent article from the Harvard Business Review on customer value propositions in B2B markets.

03. 12. 2008

New eBook: Best & Worst of the Mobile Web

A free eBook on the Best & Worst of the Mobile Web as identified by a panel of mobile marketing experts.

01. 12. 2008