6 ways to turn comments into content
How to turn blog comments into great content for your content marketing programs. A simple tip but a powerful one.
14. 03. 2013
Mastering Tone of Voice in B2B content marketing
How you say things can be even more important than what you say. So actively manage your Tone of Voice.
18. 12. 2012
Three Poisonous Metaphors in B2B Content Marketing
We all use these three metaphors as we discuss B2B content marketing. But maybe we should think twice…
Visual marketing vs stupid old words
Words are dead. Visual marketing is the new religion. A doddering old wordsmith fights back while admitting defeat.
23. 08. 2012
How to build a B2B content marketing team
Great B2B content marketing is teamwork. But it’s rare to have all the necessary talents in one person, so here are
09. 05. 2012
The problem/solution structure in B2B content marketing
The problem/solution structure is a powerful weapon for B2B content marketers. Here’s why.
26. 03. 2012
Friday post: B2B AWESOME!!!
This is a Friday Velocity post. That means all bets are off, and this is totally NSFW. But fuck it. I think it’ll make you feel awesome.
20. 01. 2012
B2B content marketing: when target audiences clash
Marketers are instinctively inclusive. Our default is to set our crop-sprayer on the widest possible setting, covering the largest possible audience for…
23. 11. 2011
The “Get Your Stuff Read” blog post
Please. On your website, address the reader’s needs obviously and directly. Even bluntly. They’ll appreciate it.
15. 10. 2011
Why you should give away the very thing you sell
Why B2B marketers should share their company’s expertise.
22. 09. 2011
Are you the bore in the corner?
When he was working for a big B2B company, Andrew Walker did a brave thing. He audited every piece of communication that his company put out, with a cold,…
06. 09. 2011