Evel Knievel, corporate positioning & corporate message development – a new Velocity white paper

Velocity today announced a new white paper for technology marketers facing corporate positioning and corporate message development problems…

25. 11. 2008

Evel Knievel, corporate positioning & corporate message development

Engineers take the leap from tech features to Big Business Benefits like Evel Knievel approached the Snake River Canyon: they fall down. Our Hierarchy of…

The Benefit Hierarchy in corporate positioning & message development

People believe the unimportant things you say and disbelieve the important ones. You need ‘vines’…

Spamalot to the Holy Grail: a personal email journey

Are you a spammer? I’m sure you’re not. But I’ll cheerfully wager that some of you have, at one point, been confused for one.…

21. 11. 2008

Your new content may not be as relevant as your old

All the best B2B tech marketers are mini-publishing houses — they never stop cranking out thought-provoking content on the issues their target market cares…

18. 11. 2008

A really good newsletter

We know we ‘big up’ Pär Almqvist, the Marketing Dude at VNL, quite a bit. But we thought you’d like to see what we consider a really, really good…

13. 11. 2008

Cisco gets gold star for daring to do it differently

As a marketing company, we spend a lot of time trying to get attention for our clients’ latest gizmos. That’s why we applaud Cisco’s latest product launch…

11. 11. 2008

Microsoft’s baffling “I’m a PC” campaign

Apple got a lot of attention with its “PC vs Mac” commericals. They were simple, funny, well-scripted and seemed to capture the essence of what Mac people…

10. 11. 2008

Because you’re worth it

Why are so few B2B companies as good at naming things as consumer companies? B2B could learn a lot from beauty companies like L’Oreal, which uses naming…

06. 11. 2008

Branding as body language

A friend of ours who also happens to be a God of Branding sent us an article he wrote ten years ago but could have been written yesterday. He’s Axel…

04. 11. 2008

I beg you: don’t bore the bejesus out of me

Marketing is communication. B2B marketing is bad communication.…

31. 10. 2008

Tech marketing trapped in Plato’s Cave

For 2000 years we’ve been told to research and change or suffer the consequences. It’s still an issue today. Learn how one of the biggest names in the…

14. 10. 2008