We’ve been navel-gazing lately.
Trying to boil down the whole B2B Enchilada into three nouns.
Asking ourselves what three things matters most in B2B marketing right now.
What three things a CMO in a B2B company should make sure her teams are mastering.
Which also happen to be the three things Velocity works hard to combine in new ways for each of our clients.
Here’s what we came up with. (The alliteration was a happy bonus.) (That’s a lie, it was in the brief.) (God, how to spoil a drum roll, Kessler). (No YOU shut up).
Here goes: the three nouns. Right…. here:
Meaning, Metrics and Mojo.
The first two are hard to do well. The third is so rare you’d think it was hard (in truth, it’s just ignored).
Let’s look at each one, staccato-style:
This is about relevance.
The tricky thing is, Relevance is defined by your target audience. Not by you.
Our jobs as Very Important Strategic Marketers (and/or unpaid interns) is to discover and leverage this relevance—to build a bridge between what your ideal prospects already care about and what your products actually do.
This bridge can only be built backwards, from their perspective back to your product. And that’s why it always starts with Meaning.
We think this Meaning—this relevance—comes from your Galvanizing Story (if you don’t have one, this mini-series can help).
If you haven’t nailed your Meaning—haven’t absolutely slam-dunked it—don’t worry about the other two Ms. They won’t matter.
This is about measuring everything that moves, then swimming naked in the data every morning before breakfast.
Because it turns out, if you look hard enough, data isn’t actually data at all: it’s your prospects and customers silently screaming to you about everything they’re into right now.
With well-tuned analytics (and cool tricks like sessionized, instrumented content), you’ll dial up the volume of these silent screams so they become loud, clear signals to your whole marketing and sales team.
Used properly, Metrics make you better at everything you do (including how you use Metrics). (Inception or what?).
This is the one far too many B2B brands (and, T.B. brutally H., most B2B agencies) leave out of the equation.
Which is a big shame, because Mojo is a force multiplier. A budget multiplier. Not metaphorically or hyperbolically but literally.
Mojo is confidence, attitude, energy, and passion.
It’s your voice and your stance and the banner you wave as your team marches down Revenue Street towards the Mall of Fame.
Mojo is the thing that the best, smartest people in your company bring to work every day—but that somehow gets lost before you can get it to market.
Mojo turns a company into a crusade and a mission statement into an actual mission.
Mojo sends the most important signals you can ever send to your prospects and customers: that you love what you’re doing. That you’re really, really good at it. And that they’ll love working with you, too.
Think about your favorite marketing. It has Mojo.
Now think about 98% of the marketing you see: a Mojo-free Milkshake of Meh with added So What™.
From where we’re sitting, this Mojo Gap is the biggest, juiciest, B2B opportunity facing every B2B brand. (And every B2B marketer). (Don’t make me spell this out: For You.).
If your team can master the first two of the three Ms, you’ll be doing some of the best B2B marketing out there.
But if you aim higher and add Mojo to that?
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Jon Weberg Weberg Enterprises LLC March 24th, 2021
From my experience both metrics and true tracking are THE most powerful ways to scale and business. The majority of tracking and metrics however are either none existent or way of. It costs, but true tracking is desperately needed for companies looking to actually scale exponentially. Great article my friend!
Doug Kessler March 25th, 2021
Thanks, Jon! “That which gets measured gets managed.”
Hilton Marketing Provocateur April 7th, 2021
The myth that a B2B brand has to be measured, professional, clinical, surgical and “business like” has lasted as long as the one’s about Santa and the Easter Bunny. Connection, relevance, resonance – and MOJO – are a force-multiplier and a galactic-strength magnet with any Human. So, unless you’re working with a organization that has a Procurement or Prospect bot….start lashing out that Mojo. And, while you’re at it, get vaccinated against the tired old myth too. Sublime writing as always you delicious Velocity folks!!
Doug Kessler April 16th, 2021
Thanks, Hilton! Love that ‘galactic-strength magnet’!
Louis Gordon Upstart Marketing April 8th, 2021
Everybody uses the word mojo–especially after Austin Powers–but I never really looked into the origin of the word until I read your blog. Definitely interesting and maybe worth a follow-up blog. Until then, I really hope that no one will cause a sh1tstorm & accuse you of cultural appropriation. 😉
Doug Kessler April 16th, 2021
I did a talk on Mojo and discovered some of the roots I hadn’t known about. I hope the word has made its way into the language now enough to save it from feeling like cultural appropriation.
Other usages: The Mojo Men, a band with Stephen Stills (non-hit song “Sit Down, I Think I Love You” Google it. It’s wonderful.).
And of course, Mr Mojo Rising (anagram for, and songy by, Jim Morrison).
Mark Gibson Enableocity April 10th, 2021
This post really struck a chord with me Doug. Based on what we have observed, having seen thousands of salespeople’s “before” state, salespeople are sales leaders are unaware of the opportunity to contribute hick-ass brand mojo on every call.
I am writing an article and will excerpt a section and link to this excellent post.
Doug Kessler April 16th, 2021
Thanks, Mark!
It really is a missed dimension for SO many B2B brands. (Which creates a real opportunity for all).
Jed Mole Acxiom April 12th, 2021
Great, great article Doug. Resonates so much; in part due to the fact it’s so simple, in larger part because it’s plain true! Every time I’ve been able to dial up the Meaning and Measurement, the business has bought into it and trust has gone up along with results, thankfully. Mojo is what we’re wrestling with now. Almost surely easier to set the mojo-o-meter to high when starting with the blank-ish canvas of a start up, but pivoting an established brand (and let’s not forget culture because they’re so linked in b2bland (hmm there’s a bland in there) it’s a huge challenge. But, one we’re up for and it has to feel uncomfortable otherwise it isn’t happening. Doesn’t have to feel bad, but I’m pretty sure it has to feel uncomfortable. Keep the wisdom coming Doug, it’s apprecaited.
Doug Kessler April 16th, 2021
Thanks Jed — and great point: starting with a blank slate is much easier than trying to inject mojo to an established brand.
Luckily, the Metrics part can help: showing how content with mojo out-performs the bland stuff can go a long way!
A Virgo June 14th, 2021
Typo alert. Bigges.
Doug Kessler June 16th, 2021
Is not! (Thanks: fixed it).
Cristian T May 4th, 2024
Unlocking success in B2B marketing requires a delicate balance of meaning, metrics, and mojo. Meaning infuses purpose into campaigns, metrics provide invaluable insights, and mojo ignites creativity. Together, they pave the path to excellence in campaigns and beyond.