Repositioning Clarity CX1 for the pharma industry with a new CRM tool and brand story.

When a pharmaceutical sales teams consultancy asked us to come up with a new story, a compelling sales enablement plan, and airtight promotional material for the Pharma industry.

The client

Clarity CX1 is a consultancy that trains pharmaceutical sales teams in strategic account management – helping them sell to healthcare customers the way they like to buy.

The crux

Clarity Engagement Solutions had a successful business selling its proprietary account management methodology to customers in the pharma industry. But many account teams needed help closing the gap between their newly adopted methodology and their slow-moving technology. Clarity CX1’s light-touch CRM tool helps customers achieve customer strategic account management at scale. To launch the tool, they needed a launch strategy – a fresh story about their tech, a way to enable their sales teams, and standout promotional materials.

The strategy

To help CX1 form a clear, compelling story around the shortcomings of traditional, unstructured methods of account-based selling, we held an accelerated strategy workshop to hone in on the most important issues. The strategy workshop set up the deliverables and uncovered a key insight: this was a buyer-enablement play. We needed to pick the persona most likely to drive the buying process internally, and design a content program around empowering them.

Every CX1 sales opportunity touched multiple stakeholders – across Leadership, Sales, Learning & Development and IT. They needed launch content that spoke to everyone involved in the buying decision. So, we started by understanding the needs of each persona and then grouping people based on their challenges, allowing us to speak to more people at once: the primary client, other sales stakeholders impacted by CX1 and IT folks that needed to integrate the solution.

Our recommendation: A targeted email campaign leading prospects to an engaging landing page that would then direct the most interested prospects to a workbook. The workbook would also come with supporting blogs that would address specific goals and pain points – giving each group a reason to buy into CX1.

Here’s how it all fit together

Email campaign

To announce that Clarity CX1 had arrived, we launched an email campaign for potential customers. We designed the campaign to be ‘forward-friendly’ – so every recipient would be able to understand why automation in Key Account Management benefits the whole organization, regardless of their role.

The nurture campaign spoke directly to the primary customer, with each email detailing how to have conversations with other stakeholders involved in the buying decision. This was about empowering the primary stakeholder to drive the pre-sales process internally. The blogs pointed towards the landing page to get the full story, or to a “request a demo link” to dive straight in.


The output was an empathetic longpage on the selling pains in Pharma. It had two key messages. One, for account managers, sales managers, and sales support (our buying champions) to galvanize them behind the CX1 story and provide them with enough information to take action. And another key message to prove to commercial heads and L&D teams that change is not only possible, but painless.

By defining the problem, cause, symptoms, cost, and breakthrough around Clarity CX1, we found something that would help the company own the conversation on a modern sales approach for Pharma.

Six hyper-targeted blogs

We carefully mapped out stakeholder goals and pain points to identify the issues animating individual personas and understand how they combined into a collective outcome for everyone in the business.

The output were a number of blogs, specifically targeting:


The idea was that prospects would circulate relevant blogs to their colleagues “to help them with their key account management pains.” So we prompted them to do just that.


Workbooks are great. They’re working documents that help buyers unpack their thinking and understand their needs across practical, objective exercises.
How to automate and operationalize your account-based approach was designed to help primary CX1 buyers act as champions for Key Account Management across their business – with surveys and discussion guides to build alignment internally and accelerate the buying process.


campaign assets


core personas


weeks from conception to delivery