Ollie Rone-Clarke

Brand Lead

Senior designer Ollie is one of our creative leads, working on a mixture of brand and motion projects. He studied at the Lincoln School of Art and Design, dabbling in illustration before specialising in graphic design.

He was one of the youngest people to (checks notes) pick up an STD gong at university. (Apparently it’s actually ISTD – for International Society of Typographic Designers – but whatever.) He’s worked in agencies big and small, doing design, branding and content. So now he does it all for us here in Richmond.

He used to enjoy drawing and going to film screenings in his spare time but then he became a dad, so he now enjoys talking about his hobbies in the past tense, with a kind of wistful look. Oh, and he made the mistake of volunteering the fact that his big toe is shorter than his middle toe. A quick Google tells us this is known as ‘Morton’s foot’ or ‘Greek foot’ or, amazingly, ‘Royal toe’. But don’t make fun or he’ll flip you off, and he’ll have to take his shoes and socks off first, and it’ll just get awkward.

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