
What B2B marketers can learn from Viagra Spam

Viagra spammers have to be masters of the email subject line. What can B2B marketers learn from them?

20. 12. 2010

How to inject urgency into your B2B marketing

How to inject urgency into your B2B marketing campaigns and content.

10. 11. 2010

Five things I’ve learned in B2B marketing

Well, I’m moving on to work for Thomson Reuters (the siren call of being able to walk to work proved to be too strong to resist), and I thought I’d get…

15. 10. 2010

Ten ways that B2B marketing copy goes wrong

Let’s face it, most B2B copywriting is not very good. There are many reasons, but here are our top ten. Is your latest B2B marketing copy guilty of any of…

16. 08. 2010

How to structure a B2B argument

This post is about one aspect of building great B2B arguments: structure.

16. 07. 2010

The power of beliefs in B2B marketing

B2B Marketers: check out this great TED Talk by Simon Sinek on the power of beliefs in B2B marketing. People don’t buy WHAT you do they buy WHY you do it.

02. 07. 2010

B2B Copywriting: hitting the sweet spot

The Sweet Spot in B2B copywriting is copy that combines authenticity and clarity. Sweet Spot writing is 10-37 times more effective than shite.

30. 06. 2010

The value of story? About 2,776%

We’re always talking about how important a story is in marketing — but now someone has finally proven it with an ingenious experiment. As…

28. 05. 2010

The F word in B2B marketing

Where’s the fun in B2B marketing?

09. 03. 2010

Read this or the world will end

So Gesu was wondering aloud the other day whether negative or positive headlines are more effective. By negative and positive we mean, respectively, the…

18. 02. 2010

You can have it done right, cheap, or quick. Pick two

Fortunately, it’s very rare that we ever get a client who doesn’t understand that you can’t have all three at once. Yet it’s still something that a…

01. 02. 2010

You say tomato… copywriting for international audiences

We have a lot of international clients. Most of them are European or American, but occasionally they’re based further afield. This generates an…

20. 01. 2010