B2B marketing

How to tie a bow tie.

If you came here to learn how to tie a bow tie I’ve got bad news, you’re lost. But that’s a pretty good place to be.

Let’s steal from Apple

Apple was a laggard in content marketing. Then they leaned in… and crushed it.

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Good lessons from bad marketing

‘The gang’ in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia frequently try their hand at marketing. And it goes badly. But there are some valuable marketing lessons in…

B2B and B2C: Two nations divided by a common language

We usually think of B2B and B2C independently, and act like the rules that apply in one couldn’t possibly apply in the other. According to Binet and Field,…

Days when you just don’t wanna.

We all have days when we just don’t want to do… anything. What if they’re actually okay?

Something happened.

As content marketing becomes industrialized we risk losing something important. Here’s a plea to remember our roots.

Understand why people should NOT buy your products

Maybe we all should stop focusing on the reasons people should buy from us. And start focusing on why they shouldn’t.

10 (or so) principles of writing at Velocity

When new writers join Velocity, we give them a little list of what it takes to be successful. Today, we thought we’d share that list with you

Fortnite just pulled off an incredible marketing scam

How do you turn downtime into a global event?

You don’t own your story

Too many marketers fall into the trap of thinking that because they’re telling the story, they get to decide how people think about them.

Using marketing to deflect time-wasters like me

Marketing isn’t just a magnet. It’s a filter too. And sometimes it’s used to filter out people like… me.

The art of narrowing your offer even if it hurts your soul

Just because your product does lots of things doesn’t mean you should talk about lots of things. Think narrow.