Pandemic/home working

The B2B Show Must Go On: online events are the new F2F

A big part of B2B marketing is the live event—and a lot of marketing teams are really missing them.  The monthly speaker lunches, quarterly offsites,…

How Drift thinks about B2B online events: an interview with Mark Kilens

Drift is learning super-fast about running B2B online events. Here’s what Mark Kilens thinks about it all.

Want to feel good about working in marketing in 2020? Get real.

Being in the optimism business in 2020 feels really weird.

Maybe the answer is to change the way we think about optimism.

The antidote to uncertainty

You’re nursing frozen budgets and interrupted plans. That doesn’t mean it’s time to stand still.

WFH #9: The Adjective of the Pandemic

What does it say about B2B marketers that we cluster around the same phrases to express this big, hairy thing?

WFH #8: Plan your emergence now

For the last month or so, marketing has been almost 100% reactive. And rightly so. We’ve all been trying to come to terms with this ghastly thing, so…

WFH#7: What we’re seeing

A quick look at some (early) data on how the pandemic has affected marketing metrics.

WFH #6: Is it okay to just do normal marketing yet?

Is it okay yet to just to do normal marketing and not refer to the crisis? Glad you asked…

WFH #5: If only these walls could talk.

After two weeks of working from home the importance of pointless conversations has become all too clear.

WFH #4: Three principles for marketing in insane times

Marketing in a crisis like covid-19 is a very hard thing to get right.

Here are some principles that feel important for a time like this.

WFH #3: Good service in bad times

In moments like this, good service matters most.

B2B Marketing in COVID-19 times

Should B2B brands market during the crisis? If so how, when and why? If not… what do we do?