Content Lego: How to unlock latent value from your marketing

I don’t like fads: never have, never will. That’s why the advertising industry – for the whole of January – pisses me right off. Will that…

21. 12. 2016

Content marketing fail? Ask your audience why.

Our latest content marketing video performed so poorly that we asked our audience why it flopped. Here’s what happened.

13. 12. 2016

From Benchmarks to Insight – your content marketing metrics

When we work with clients, often we’re asked about benchmarks. People seem to love them – and we can see why. Answering the question, “How are we…

12. 12. 2016

Marketing an innovator’s dilemma

Marketing innovative B2B technology is hard. Marketing it when you’re also selling the incumbent tech is harder. Here’s a look at why it’s difficult and…

05. 12. 2016

The B2B writer’s #1 imperative: honor your audience.

I have mixed feelings when people refer to ‘the Velocity voice’. I love that we have a distinctive, even recognisable way of writing and that…

21. 11. 2016

A great B2B content format: the long-ass web page

A new content format is a powerful thing. But sometimes marketers overlook a great format with lots of advantages: the long-ass, multi-media web page.…

02. 11. 2016

Vision fatigue in B2B tech content marketing

In B2B tech content marketing, you spend a lot of time championing a vision. Sometimes, that’s a bad thing.

31. 10. 2016

Why every writer should try B2B copywriting

When people ask about our professions, for some reason we not only tend to answer but answer truthfully. If you’re a writer, these encounters can feel a…

19. 10. 2016

Why marketers suck at answering ‘What do you do?’

You’d think marketers would be great at telling people what they do and why it matters. Here’s why we aren’t.

12. 10. 2016

The Numbers Game: 8 Content Marketing Accountability Steps

I loved Chad Pollit’s post Content Marketing World post on why “Google Ruined Content Marketing”. Chad puts Google’s long tail in his firing line…

11. 10. 2016

Velocity wins Content Marketing Agency of the Year 2016!

Woo-hoo! Velocity has won the Content Marketing Institute Award for Agency of the Year! It’s not just an honour, it’s a really great feeling too — as a…

12. 09. 2016

Content Marketing World 2016: snapshot of the discipline

Two big trends from the midpoint of Content Marketing World 2016 — and some random highlights.

08. 09. 2016