Let’s Steal From the Greatest Infographic Ever

Most B2B content marketing infographics suck. So what can we steal from one of the greatest infographic masterpieces of the genre?

07. 12. 2015

A content marketing chinwag with Ann Handley

Ann Handley was in town the other week and she was good enough to swing by Velocity HQ to chat about her life in B2B content marketing and her approach to…

23. 11. 2015

Why B2B case studies suck

Our clients use B2B case studies a lot. We often get asked to re-write existing ones. But if we’re really, like really, honest, we don’t ever get very…

8 tips for making a kick-ass B2B Prezi

Prezi is a powerful storytelling medium. But it’s also fiddly as hell. Here are our 8 tips for producing great Prezis with less pain.

20. 11. 2015

Why your B2B content marketing should ‘Start With Why’

Great B2B content marketing comes from your company’s beliefs. Here’s why you should celebrate what you value, starting with ‘Why’ (as Simon Sinek says).

14. 11. 2015

What we learned building our new website

Received wisdom says a marketing agency should never build its own website. But received wisdom is overrated, so we built the new Velocity site.

16. 10. 2015

Content Marketing slides into the Trough of Disillusionment

I just got back from Content Marketing World, our discipline’s annual pilgrimage to Cleveland, Ohio. I usually do a kind of random, listy round-up of…

15. 09. 2015

Talking to chairs at Inbound 2015

Doug speaks at Inbound 2015 and comes away with a whole new set of neuroses to add to his collection.

14. 09. 2015

‘The Story of Content’: a film review

A rave review of the new documentary, The Story of Content, by the Content Marketing institute and BrightCove.

09. 09. 2015

Velocity And Sprint win content marketing launch of the year

Velocity swallowed our arrogance and entered some awards — and won one and are finalists for others. Woo-hoo!

07. 09. 2015

The glossary of terms as B2B content marketing

A glossary can be a great piece of content if your world is fast-changing and your audience needs help.

06. 09. 2015

Let’s Steal From ‘Epic Split’

In the second of our ‘Let’s Steal From’ series (The first one was about Follow The Frog), I want to look at what just might be the most famous B2B marketing…

22. 07. 2015