The art of creative translation
For great creative, standard translation is bad. A heartfelt plea to give a shit and cough up that little bit extra for a proper transcreation job.
11. 05. 2016
Let’s steal from great first lines
What content marketers can learn from the first lines of some of the world’s greatest novels. (It’s more than you might imagine).
04. 01. 2016
A content marketing chinwag with Ann Handley
Ann Handley was in town and she was good enough to swing by Velocity HQ to chat about her life in B2B content marketing and her approach to writing.
23. 11. 2015
Why your B2B content marketing should ‘Start With Why’
Great B2B content marketing comes from your company’s beliefs. Here’s why you should celebrate what you value, starting with ‘Why’ (as Simon Sinek says).
14. 11. 2015
The glossary of terms as B2B content marketing
A glossary can be a great piece of content if your world is fast-changing and your audience needs help.
06. 09. 2015
Let’s Steal From ‘Epic Split’
In the second of our ‘Let’s Steal From’ series (The first one was about Follow The Frog), I want to look at what just might be the most famous B2B marketing…
22. 07. 2015
Why ‘customer centricity’ is a cursed message
I’m getting pretty sick of ‘customer centric’ – the latest buzzword to pollute and distract good marketers.
12. 06. 2015
Let’s Steal From ‘Follow The Frog’
In this first in a series analysing great content, we tear apart Follow The Frog, a fast, funny masterpiece.
11. 06. 2015
5 things content marketers can learn from listicles
Listicles refuse to die. That leaves two choices: imitate them or learn from them and go a step further.
02. 05. 2015
The problem with positive
They probably taught you to keep your marketing positive. Here’s why positivity is actually a bad thing.
06. 02. 2015
How to use swear words in your fucking marketing
Some people think it’s never okay to use profanity in marketing. But they just might be missing a powerful weapon.
19. 01. 2015