A new technology
When you’re harnessing the next big thing.

Real tech breakthroughs can drive growth like nothing else. But having great new tech doesn’t guarantee anything. Better mousetraps file for Chapter 11 every day.
Maybe you’re pivoting to incorporate the new thing into your offer. Maybe you just need to show the market you’re thinking about it. Maybe you wanna position against it. Maybe you don’t know what your angle should be. That’s OK — we can help with that.
Things you’ll need:
- Self-awareness. It’s easy to get carried away with a new thing. But it’s important to know if it’s a real, 10X, market-changing innovation or just a very cool feature. Both can be marketed effectively—as long as you manage expectations.
- An outcome mindset. Just because you’re using the new thing (“AI-Driven!”) doesn’t mean people will care. Lead with what it actually does for buyers.
- A great explainer. When people understand your new technology, you’re halfway to a business case. Don’t settle for a jargon sonata or ‘magic wand’ jazz hands. Create clear, compelling explainers that really show the new thing in action—video is great for this but it’s just one medium.
- A name. Not every new technology needs to be named, but the breakthrough ones do. “Our new workflow system lets you…” sounds way more generic than “Flowstream™ lets you…” (That one’s taken. Let’s create your own.).
- A bandwagon alarm. When everyone in your market is applying the same new breakthrough at the same time (“Electronic!”… “Computer!”… “AI!”), you need more. More clarity, better bridges to benefits, better examples and case stories…
Infrequently Asked Questions
Buyers are (rightly) skeptical about new technology stories. It pays to get a skeptical partner agency in to help you work through questions like:
- How significant is this new tech? /
- How defensible/copyable is the innovation? /
- How long will the advantage last? /
- How easy is it to understand? /
- What media and channels would best capture its value? /
- How significant is this new tech? /
- How defensible/copyable is the innovation? /
- How long will the advantage last? /
- How easy is it to understand? /
- What media and channels would best capture its value? /
- How significant is this new tech? /
- How defensible/copyable is the innovation? /
- How long will the advantage last? /
- How easy is it to understand? /
- What media and channels would best capture its value? /
- How significant is this new tech? /
- How defensible/copyable is the innovation? /
- How long will the advantage last? /
- How easy is it to understand? /
- What media and channels would best capture its value? /
- How significant is this new tech? /
- How defensible/copyable is the innovation? /
- How long will the advantage last? /
- How easy is it to understand? /
- What media and channels would best capture its value? /
What we bring to the party
Need something that’s not on the list? We probably do that too.
Big inflection points need specific, tailored responses. But marketing around step changes in technology usually involves some mix of:
- Galvanizing story
- Messaging
- Website
- Content
- Sales enablement
- GTM Blueprint
- Search
- Always-on optimization
We love working closely with our clients to seize new opportunities.

Where have we done this before?

Helping Sprint seize the 5G high ground
We simplified 5G’s impact through a scrolling experience, animated demos, technical Q&As, and a CGI world of ‘Planet Sprint.’ Learn how.
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Going through something big? See more moments of change we help with.