B2B marketing

How to stop teaching granny to suck eggs

We’re non-experts marketing to experts – that can be a nail-biting thing. Here are a few ways to help teach experts without boring the pants off them.

Let’s Steal From Mother Teresa

A look at how warm ol’ human moments can outperform even the hardest of hard statistics.

Webflow is making us better digital designers

We’d like to tell you about a tool that we (the Design team at Velocity) have recently started experimenting with to create web content.  Actually,…

The inevitable Web 3.0 Backlash

The pattern is as old as plaid and paisley: A new thing comes along. Some people get really excited about the new thing. Some people get over-excited about…

Continue: The most chicken-hearted word in marketing

Marketers often latch on to words that soften their language. Actually, humans in general do this: think of the last time you said ‘Maybe I’m wrong but…

Why I hate the ‘Cover the Logo’ test

The ‘cover the logo’ test kills great ideas—because people don’t get how brands work.

The Great Shift: a new marketing mindset for a new era

The biggest change in B2B marketing is invisible: it’s a new marketing mindset that comes from two entirely new forces. And it changes everything.

Ecosystem Marketing part 2: A conversation with Scott Brinker

No one knows more about B2B app marketplace marketing than Scott Brinker. So we interviewed him about it.

B2B ecosystem marketing: three app marketplace plays

The marketplaces of the big B2B platforms have become major sources of revenue. Maybe it’s time we took them seriously as a channel…

Why the customer is always right…but some are better than others

Looking for a competitive edge in the B2B world? It’s time to think differently about what your customers bring to the table. Here’s why.

15 Web 3.0 ideas for B2B marketers

Get your Web 3.0 thinking caps on, beeple. It’s time to innovate.

Why B2B folks need to learn about Web 3.0 now

Web3, crypto, blockchain, NFTs and decentralization are changing the world. No really. Get learning.