Luke Gain

Creative Director

Luke is our Creative Director, overseeing Velocity’s strategy, writing, design and digital output. He specialises in helping clients take brands, stories and campaigns to market that coax buyers out of hiding. He’s been working in B2B tech marketing for 12 years. He spent the first six shamelessly stealing from everything that Velocity Partners published, and then joined the agency in 2017 to start making stuff worth stealing.

If you’re on a video call with Luke, you’re likely to see a bunch of guitars and drums behind him that he used to be really good at and now are mostly for show. You might also see his Border Collie Peg, who is definitely smarter than him. She might look fluffy and unassuming, but she’s coming for his job. And yours too.

We’ve got 8 posts from Luke

Marketing your way through big moments of change

Disruptive market forces are imposing big moments of change on companies — just when B2B marketing was poised to evolve. So do you hit pause or forge on?

12. 09. 2024

Why brand isn’t just your marketing team’s problem

Your brand strategy goes way beyond marketing. Here, we’ve given you 8 small moves to make your brand sing across all customer touchpoints. Let’s go.

Introducing… Velocity 3.0

We don’t expect you to care about our new site as much as we do — but the reasons behind it all are super-relevant to every B2B marketer.

How to write an anonymous business case study that doesn’t suck

Why the pursuit of public references shouldn’t bury your best stories.

The antidote to uncertainty

You’re nursing frozen budgets and interrupted plans. That doesn’t mean it’s time to stand still.

Fortnite just pulled off an incredible marketing scam

How do you turn downtime into a global event?

Let’s steal from… Seventeenth Century Explorers

Something weird happened to communications in Early Modern England.

Why SaaS providers need to get braver about proprietary data

Most SaaS providers are missing a huge opportunity to create unique, authoritative, insightful marketing using their proprietary data – here’s why they…