Andrew London

WFH #10: This 2020 thing isn’t great for creativity, is it?
Fun is an essential part of making good creative. And this year isn’t exactly fun. Here’s how I’m dealing with that.
B2B marketing / Velocity Culture
You don’t own your story
Too many marketers fall into the trap of thinking that because they’re telling the story, they get to decide how people think about them.
B2B marketing / Customer experience
The video in a day project.
Sometimes you have to test what you’re capable of. We wanted to see if we could make a video in a day. Here’s how that went.
B2B marketing / Velocity Culture
What are you actually saying?
Why does so much B2B content sound totally unlike human speech?
B2B marketing / Messaging
When bad is good: in defense of the negative
There’s a common urge to avoid saying anything negative in marketing. Here’s why that’s a really, really bad impulse to follow.
Galvanizing stories
7 common complaints with online tracking (and why they’re bullshit)
Online tracking isn’t some dystopian, civilisation-ending tool. It’s actually (potentially) good for you. Let me explain.
15. 10. 2018
Dev can help: When content needs B2B web developers not writers
Content isn’t just about writers and designers any more. If you’re just thinking of B2B web developers as people who make websites, you’re missing out on…
03. 09. 2018
If content doesn’t cost you anything, it isn’t worth anything
What does your content cost you?
06. 08. 2018