Raising money for MNDA, one adventure at a time

You could have found any page on this website. We’re stoked it was this one.

The Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) has a special place in our hearts. Hundreds of people are diagnosed with MND each year. And this amazing charity supports thousands more — including our very own Tim — with everything from equipment to research.

Thing is, virtue signaling isn’t our bag. We care about this cause. A lot. So we’re putting our money where our mouth is. Or bike. Or spatula. Or ancient Roman ruin. Let us explain.

Let the weird and wonderful commence

Q: How can you raise the most money (and most fun) possible for MNDA?
A: Pretty easily, actually. Knock various heads together and ideas start raining out.

This all started on Edinburgh’s snow-swept cobbles. Our first round of fundraising concluded last summer, via the London Triathlon. Until then, we’ve stuffed our diaries with as many sponsorable activities as humanly possible. There’ll be plenty of saddle sores, hangovers, sugar comas and breathtaking rambles along the way. Bring it on.



August 7th, 2022

Let’s face it: it would take an extreme situation to induce most of us to swim, cycle and run in quick succession. (Pursued by a hoard of triathlete cannibals, perhaps?) Luckily, the world’s biggest city centre triathlon allows teams of three to divide activities out between them. We’ve got no less than five trios taking part on August 7. They all need sponsoring. (And presumably a pint/long lie down afterwards.)

Target:  £20,000

Donate Now

Extreme Velocity


Fed up of “expert advice” from non-expert marketers? Tired of wannabe Ted Talkers with all the charisma of a brick in a washing machine? Tell you what. How about a 1-on-1 consultancy session from Team STUG (aka our founders Stan/Doug)? They’re, like, the Einstein and Da Vinci of B2B marketing. Or possibly Starsky and Hutch. This one’s a zinger of an offer, for a corker of a cause.

Cost:  £15,000

Rambling on: Hadrian’s Wall edition

May 2022

Sure, the Romans might have abandoned Hadrian’s Wall. But not us. In fact, we’re sending up a crack commando unit of wannabe ramblers to march alongside it. For 89.4 miles. Over 6 days. There’ll be fun, tears, blisters and beers. And you should sponsor them, for sympathy’s sake as much as anything else.

RAISED:  £8,000


24-hour bike ride

June 2022

There’s a swish-looking road bike in our London office. No one’s ever seen it ridden. That’s about to change dramatically. Enter, Scott. On June 18th he’ll be cycling it…get this…for 24 hours straight in leafy Richmond Park. Get that Deep Heat on speed dial. And for goodness sake, get your hands in your pocket before the poor bloke cycles into a deer or something.

RAISED:  £8,000


Edinburgh Treasure Hunt

December 2021

We came, we saw, (we froze), we conquered. Team V threw on their wooliest hats (and snowproof-est coats) to crack a bloody difficult, Edinburgh-centric treasure hunt, spread across one of the world’s finest cities.

RAISED: £1,280



November 2021

Turns out a lot of us talk a good cake-baking game at VP HQ. Perhaps less surprisingly, even more do a good cake-eating game. In fairness, they were bloody delicious.

RAISED: £450


Whisky night

April 2022

Learning about booze works best via practical lessons. Know your lowland from your speyside, do ya? Or was it Islay? There was so much robust and rich character in the room on April 21st, we probably learnt more than was good for us.

Target:  £300


What are you waiting for?

These events aren’t finite. We’re adding more as we go along, and — as we’ve said — the purpose couldn’t matter more. One person in your average cinema screening will be diagnosed with MND: its impact affects millions more. So get involved.