Sales Activation

What Gong’s Chief Evangelist thinks the new B2B marketing playbook should look like

What Gong’s Chief Evangelist, Udi Ledergor, thinks about the new B2B marketing playbook, the real goal of content marketing and the 95-5 rule.

The new B2B GTM playbook: An interview with Jon Miller, one of the architects of the old one

Want to have a meaningful discussion about a new B2B go-to-market (GTM) playbook? You need Jon. We sat down with him to hear his thoughts on GTM’s next…

Symptoms of B2B selling sickness

Trust between Sales and Marketing is at an all time low – and sellers are taking marketing into their own hands. Here’s how to get the relationship back…

Google Analytics 4 for B2Bers: More powerful. More usable. More analyticky.

Google Analytics 4 replaces Universal Analytics by July 1, 2023. Learn how it solves historical problems, why it changes on-page and offline activity…