Better ways to work

What Gong’s Chief Evangelist thinks the new B2B marketing playbook should look like

What Gong’s Chief Evangelist, Udi Ledergor, thinks about the new B2B marketing playbook, the real goal of content marketing and the 95-5 rule.

Recombinant innovation: Why B2B marketing collaboration is worth the effort

If you’re a fan, like me, of Matthew Syed’s podcast series, Sideways, then you may have heard about the power of “recombinant innovation.” If…

The new B2B GTM playbook: An interview with Jon Miller, one of the architects of the old one

Want to have a meaningful discussion about a new B2B go-to-market (GTM) playbook? You need Jon. We sat down with him to hear his thoughts on GTM’s next…

The symptoms of the B2B selling sickness

In B2B, Sales and Marketing don’t trust each other. A bad assumption lies at the root of this entrenched problem.

Why an ABM foundation makes your whole marketing strategy work harder

Most ABM campaigns are too narrow. Not in their focus, but in their ambition.  Let me explain. If you have an ABM strategy, I’d bet my last stinkin’…

How to get the most out of SME interviews

Speaking to subject matter experts is one of the toughest parts of being a B2B marketer. My (unsubstantiated) theory is that it really comes down to a deep…

The B2B generative AI design shootout: Part 3

Generative AI is having its moment in the sun — and it’s casting a menacing shadow over the creative industries while it does it. Generative AI may…

05. 10. 2023

Killed by the buzz: Why we’re losing words to the buzz effect (and what to do about it)

Here’s a question for you: What do buzzwords and That One Guy You Hate™ have in common? You guessed it. They both sneak into every conversation and…

Webflow is making us better digital designers

We’d like to tell you about a tool that we (the Design team at Velocity) have recently started experimenting with to create web content.  Actually,…

Why I hate the ‘Cover the Logo’ test

The ‘cover the logo’ test kills great ideas—because people don’t get how brands work.

Why marketing still needs soul: Jason Miller on punk over predictability

Jason Miller on Punk over Predictability

10 Content Marketing Performance Metrics

Most content marketers aren’t good at measurement beyond simple analytics report. It’s time to change that.